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Neighborhood Profile

The majority of the population from Ferentari Extension Area is unemployed and does not benefit from health insurance because they do not pay taxes. These families cannot afford the costs of even basic health care and medicine. The only free medical clinic in the area is the Phillip House Health Center.

The children assisted by the Phillip House often come from very stressful home environments, and as a result many suffer from emotional and behavioral problems. If these are not addressed, the children will not develop properly. They may have extreme difficulty staying in school and will lack independent living skills.

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What we offer

The Phillip House Health Center houses both a pediatric and dental practice, staffed with qualified medical professionals including a pediatrician, a registered nurse, and two dentists. Within the center, the children also benefit from psychological counseling services.

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Specific Services

  • Daily pediatric and general medical care and assistance, including regular check-ups and vaccinations
  • Free medicine
  • Dental care, including regular check-ups
  • Individual psychological counseling and group therapy for children and parents
  • Health education, including information about personal hygiene, disease prevention, HIV/AIDS infection, drug addiction, alcoholism, and smoking
  • Anti-flu vaccination campaigns

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The children have also benefited from better nutrition and health care. In addition, the children's parents have begun to take more responsibility for their children. Lastly, better communication and greater understanding now exists between various members and institutions of the community (i.e. families, local schools, local authorities, different NGO's, and various governmental agencies).

For detailed results from each of our projects, please see our Annual Report.

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(c) Phillip House Foundation, 06.2003
design by Andrei Ionescu